Genealogy Data Page 772 (Family Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Ratelle, Marie Ève 
b. --Not Shown-- LaSalle, QC, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Ratelle, Bernard
Mother: Lareault, Danièle
Reaume, Frederick Joseph

b. 1885
d. 1949
Gender: Male
Father: Reaume, Leon
Mother: Papineau, Lisa
Reaume, Mary

b. 1883
d. 1898 Chatham, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Reaume, Leon
Mother: Papineau, Lisa
Grant, Ethan

Gender: Male
Father: Herman, Jeff
Mother: Papineau, Julie Marie
Whitcomb, Jonathan Andrew 
b. --Not Shown-- Greenfield, Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Father: Whitcomb, James Arthur
Mother: Lareau, Elizabeth Jeanne
Papineau, Norman

Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Joseph Mederic
Mother: Persain, Louise
Papineau, Melvina

Gender: Female
Father: Papineau, Joseph Mederic
Mother: Persain, Louise
Papineau, Fred

Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Joseph Mederic
Mother: Persain, Louise
Papineau, Emory

Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Joseph Mederic
Mother: Persain, Louise
Papineau, Helen Marie

Gender: Female
Father: Papineau, Joseph Mederic
Mother: Persain, Louise
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